Dramaticode Dramatically Assists
When I started Dramaticode it was my way of earning an additional income to stay afloat. I never once thought the business would grow so amazingly that it would become my life's purpose. One of the people interested in Dramaticode was a lady who had lost her job as a gym instructor due to lockdown and Covid-19. She was looking to learn an additional skill so as to profit in the meanwhile until the gym where she worked reopened.

Her story melted my heart and I realized Dramaticode could change its focus and assist by training interested people (adults rather) so they could too teach coding in their area. I developed a specialized affordable package for her and we indulged in a series of workshops aimed at teaching her the skill so she too could become a coding instructor.
We worked together all through May and even though she is learning more coding skills with me currently, she is now ready to teach coding in Polokwane too. She is contemplating teaching face-to-face coding classes. It's never too late to learn a new skill. In fact, from a psychological perspective, the world is too rocky and uncertain to have just one job.
Interesting fact:
Augusta Ada Lovelace is known as being the first computer programmer. So why not have women coding instructors? If Ada Lovelace can do it so can we. I am so proud to have a created a brand that focuses on training other women who are interesting in learning coding languages.

Picture sourced: https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/ada-lovelace-the-first-tech-visionary
Read all about the countess of Lovelace
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