Sun Baked in Seconds
My favourite self-tan brand Fake Bake has just informed me of their new product launch. Think sun kissed skin just a spray squirt away. The Fake Bake perfection wash off tanning liquid has made its appearance on the Fake Bake website and is a bronzing glory. The launch has smoothly coordinated with the summer party season allowing you to effortless get that salon tan finish or a natural basking in the sun glow effortlessly in seconds from the comfort of your home. Greater news is that the Perfection Wash off Liquid does just as the name states... washes off simply with soap and water. The glorious glow is guaranteed to last all party through just enough time for you to flaunt that stunning sun tan in your selfies. Better yet you can return back to your normal skin tone in seconds with a simple soap rub. The non sticking, fast drying formula of Fake Bake Perfection Wash off liquid does not clog your pores and is smooth on your skin.
Apply with your waterproof gloves and professional mitt (provided in the package).
Always shake the bottle prior to use.
Spray small amounts of the liquid on the smooth side of the mitt and rub in circular motions.
Effortlessly remove with soap and water. In seconds the beautiful bronze has gone.
I purchased my Fake Bake perfection wash off tanning liquid online from for R200 and I am enthused to try it out for my friend's wedding that's coming up next weekend. A tan is perfect for her garden wedding theme and I bet a tan will match my black and pink dress stunningly.
Summer sun in a bottle with a vanilla scent...Yum

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